Music releases



By Burnstick

Friday, September 13, 2019
Private Ear Recording and Stereobus Recording and Kîyânaw Studio


Cree | kee-yaa-now
Us, We

"We are a family.  We choose to do our best to be kind to one another, to respect ourselves and each other, to nourish our child, to protect him, to help him cultivate his cultural identity as well as the confidence to stand tall.  And we know that we cannot do this alone. that it takes a community to help a family succeed.  We acknowledge Canada’s dark history, and we choose to move forward, to create a future in which our child can not only live safely, but where he can feel that he belongs, and is recognized for the gift that he is.  Kîyânaw is an album of hope and gratitude for the world that we live in.  We believe that music heals, and that stories, both personal and political, have the power to transform our world-views and the attitudes we have toward each other. which in turn helps our family thrive.  From the thunderous Pay No Mind, to the introspective Prayer, Kîyânaw is a collaborative effort. a collection of beautiful and unique folk and folk-blues songs.  With this album, we encourage the reclamation of each other's respective cultures while choosing to be stronger, together."

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