WCMA Deadline Extension
Due to an overwhelming response of submissions, the deadline for applications for the WCMA Artistic Awards, Industry Awards, and Festival showcases has been extended to May 15, 2008. By May 15, at 5:00 pm (CT), all submissions should be submitted through Sonicbids.com/wcma for consideration.
Performers from across western Canada are encouraged to visit
Award nominations (for releases between January 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008) may be submitted in 20 different artistic categories and 11 different industry categories. Category details and other questions and answers regarding the Western Canadian Music Awards can be found at www.westerncanadianmusicawards.ca, and submit their electronic press kits for festival showcase and award nominations through Sonicbids (www.sonicbids.com/wcma). www.westerncanadianmusicawards.ca or by calling the office directly at (204) 943-8485.
Edmonton, AB will play host to the 6th Annual Western Canadian Music Awards, October 16 – 19.
Click here for Festival Guidelines
Click here for Artistic Awards Guidelines
Click here for Industry Awards Guidelines