Call for Submissions: Prairie Winter Songwriter Retreat 2016
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 4pm, Thursday, January 4, 2016
Manitoba Music is teaming up with Sask Music, Alberta Music, with FortWhyte Alive for the Prairie Winter Songwriter Retreat. This retreat will bring together three songwriters from each province for three days of collaborative songwriting. The co-writing retreat will take place at a secluded lakeside field station and architecturally unique cabins at FortWhyte Alive, February 28 to March 2, 2016.
We welcome submissions from artists of all genres. Accommodations, and meals will be provided. Artists must make their own travel arrangements.
Artists considered for this opportunity must:
- Have current music (demo \ EP \ full-length)
- Have experience in collaborative songwriting
- Be available from February 28 – March 2, 2016
- Be a Manitoba Music member and current resident of Manitoba
- Be 18 years of age or older
- To submit, fill out the submissions form at
- Update your Manitoba Music profile with:
- Current music
- Short artist bio (approximately 200 words)
- Current high resolution image (300 dpi) uploaded to “Files” section
The following are considered assets:
- A link to a recent video -- a cappella or with acoustic instrument -- of you performing (add link to your Rationale or Bio)
- Ability to accompany yourself with guitar, keyboard, or other acoustic instrument
Submissions will be evaluated based on:
- Songwriting
- Past experience in collaborative songwriting
- Rationale for how this event fits your career development plan
Submissions will be rejected if incomplete.
For more information, please contact:
Roland Deschambault, Professional Development Coordinator
Manitoba Music
P: 204.975.5188