Now Taking Submissions for a Canadian Aboriginal Artist Showcase in Toronto

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Thursday, February 17, 2011
Manitoba Music is partnering with the Canada Council for the Arts to provide a showcasing and development opportunity for Aboriginal artists from across Canada in Toronto this spring. The project will include a set of workshops and meetings along with a showcase for industry and media on March 24 and 25.
Up to five Aboriginal acts will be invited to participate. Travel and accommodations will be provided for participants who don’t live in Toronto (subject to available funds).
The workshops will help participants further develop their business plans and marketing plans. Time for meetings with industry leaders will be included in the agenda for both days. Manitoba Music will help set up these meetings as much as possible.
The showcase will be held at a downtown Toronto venue on Thursday, March 24 and each act will have at least 30 minutes to perform. Production costs and marketing will be covered by Manitoba Music. Participants will need to invite additional industry leaders with which they want to connect.
Artist selection will be made by a selection committee. Showcase dates and times will be provided to selected artists.
To be considered for a showcase, you must:
• Have a current or upcoming professional release (demo / EP / full-length)
• Have professional promotional material (photos, website, music videos)
• Be export-ready (prepared to capitalize on opportunities in Canada and internationally)
• Participants from Manitoba must be a member of Manitoba Music OR be willing to become a member of Manitoba Music by February 17. For more information about Manitoba Music membership, visit or contact Donna Evans (204.975.4217,
Preference may be given to performers that:
• Have toured nationally or have upcoming tour plans
Submit by email to with the following:
• “Native America North – Toronto 2011” in the subject line
• A link to a MySpace or other page where your music can be heard
• Identify your current career and/or business goals (i.e. the things or people you need to take your career to the next level)
• Approximately 200 words explaining what you would do to make the most of this opportunity
• One high-resolution digital photo
• A performance history, listing your last 12 months of gigs
• Full name and mailing address
For more info, please contact:
Alan Greyeyes, Aboriginal Music Program Coordinator
P: 204.975.0284