Winnipeg Welcomes New Aboriginal Music Awards

Winnipeg will be home to a new music awards show celebrating the best in Aboriginal music from Canada, it was announced on April 18. The Manitoba Aboriginal Music Host Committee (MAMHC) announced the creation of the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards (APCMA) at a press conference. APCMA will take place during Manito Ahbee: A Festival For All Nations on November 3, 2006 at the MTS Centre.
Manito Ahbee runs November 2 to 5 in Winnipeg at the MTS Centre, and consists of five main components – International Competition Pow Wow, Education Day, Music Festival, Indigenous Marketplace & Trade Show, and the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards.
“We are thrilled to be launching the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards – the first awards show of its kind – and the opportunity to showcase Aboriginal music to the rest of the world,” sais Errol Ranville, Executive Producer of Manito Ahbee, in a press release.
“The goal of the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards is to expose Aboriginal recording artists to a national fan base, music industry, and media. Our intent is to give Aboriginal artists increased profile, and bring the artists, industry and fans closer together. In the process, we hope to begin building a star system in the Aboriginal music industry.”
Manito Ahbee runs November 2 to 5 in Winnipeg at the MTS Centre, and consists of five main components – International Competition Pow Wow, Education Day, Music Festival, Indigenous Marketplace & Trade Show, and the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards.
“We are thrilled to be launching the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards – the first awards show of its kind – and the opportunity to showcase Aboriginal music to the rest of the world,” sais Errol Ranville, Executive Producer of Manito Ahbee, in a press release.
“The goal of the Aboriginal Peoples Choice Music Awards is to expose Aboriginal recording artists to a national fan base, music industry, and media. Our intent is to give Aboriginal artists increased profile, and bring the artists, industry and fans closer together. In the process, we hope to begin building a star system in the Aboriginal music industry.”